Building Value, Building Companies
A Tech Leaders Roundtable Discussion
Thursday, March 16, 2017
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
100 Cummings Center, Suite 221E, Beverly, MA
It can be hard for an entrepreneur to wrap their head around the many decisions and activities that take place to build an idea into a thriving, sustainable, and growing company. Learning new concepts, building new technology, and learning an entirely new language is a leap into the unknown. But the smart entrepreneur takes every opportunity to learn from the incredible practitioners who’ve gone before. And, in March, we are bringing four of those practitioners together to share stories of their own fantastic journeys.
Todd Barbera, CEO, Sage Sciences
John Garrett, CEO, Glycosyn
Doug Sabin, Principal, FISKT
Roy Martin, Senior Field Marketing Manager, Biological Mass Spectrometry, Waters Corp.
Moderator: Kevin Colcord, Partner, Lean Enterprise Inc.
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