NSIV presents an InnoVenutures U program:
Ready, Aim, Hire! What Every Startup Needs
to Know about HR Benefits & Hiring Practices BeforeYou Make an Offer
Thursday, March 13, 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Where: 100 Cummings Center, Beverly
Conference Room 221 E
So you’re at that exhilarating stage in your company where you can NOW hire your first round of employees. But as you would expect, hiring is serious (and legalistic) business.This seminar is designed to help small and growing businesses gain an understanding of employee benefit requirements and best hiring practice strategies. Using real-life examples, Mr. James McSweeney and his expert team from The CIP Group will discuss the regulatory issues surrounding Human Resources, Business and Management insurance protections, and employee benefit programs suitable for startups. Small companies will be pleasantly surprised to learn that benefit plans may be very affordable and that they can qualify for group rates. Self-employed entrepreneurs may even be eligible for subsidies. Don’t be afraid to inquire.
Participants will gain an appreciation of:
- regulatory requirements imposed on small businesses
- business exposures and protections available
- employee benefit strategies to compete for and retain talent
- employment best practices
About the Speaker:
James McSweeney is an influential business innovator who founded The CIP Group in 1988. The CIP Group has become a respected and trusted provider of employee benefits, human resource consulting, and financial planning services. Mr. McSweeney is a member of the National Financial Broker Dealer Advisory Board, the Massachusetts Health Connector Broker Advisory Committee, as well as the broker Advisory Boards of many nationally recognized health plans. Mr. McSweeney can be reached through his company’s website at www.askcip.com.
To register for this event, please contact Rosemary at admin@nsiv.org.
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