North Shore Technology Council will be hosting its monthly First Friday Bioscience Seminar on September 7th. This month’s program will be taking place in Woburn, MA. Here is an excerpt from the NSTC website listing for the event:
Join scientists and executives from local biomedical companies for the North Shore Technology Council’s First Friday Bioscience seminar series, sponsored by the Biomedical Technology Section. In this informal venue you will meet industry peers, learn about the science behind area biomedical companies, and hear how they tackle business challenges. You’ll also connect with other scientists and executives and become part of a community of business neighbors who are committed to accelerating the growth of their companies and the region biomedical business sector.
Offices of McLane Law Firm
300 TradeCenter, Suite 6400
Woburn MA USA
Date and Time
Begins: 09/07/2012 12:30 PM
Ends: 09/07/2012 02:00 PM
Christopher Bouton, Ph.D. CEO, Entagen
Dr. Bouton received his BA in Neuroscience (Magna Cum Laude) from Amherst College in 1996 and his Ph.D in Molecular Neurobiology from Johns Hopkins University in 2001. Between 2001 and 2004 Dr. Bouton worked as a computational biologist at LION Bioscience Research Inc. and Aveo Pharmaceuticals, leading the microarray data analysis functions at both companies. In 2004 he accepted the position of Head of Integrative Data Mining for Pfizer and led a group of Ph.D. level scientists conducting research in the areas of computational biology, systems biology, knowledge engineering, software development, machine learning and large-scale omics data analysis. While at Pfizer, Dr. Bouton conceived of and implemented an organization-wide wiki called Pfzerpedia for which he won the prestigious 2007 William E. Upjohn Award in Innovation. In 2008 Dr. Bouton assumed the position of CEO at Entagen (, a biotechnology company that provides computational research, analysis and custom software development services for biomedical organizations. Dr. Bouton is an author on over a dozen scientific papers and book chapters and his work has been covered in a number of industry news articles.
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