NSIV’s CEO Martha Farmer will be moderating a panel discussion hosted by MassBio discussing “How Lab Incubators Will Save the World!” Of course, we believe incubators are heroes for all of humanity in bring innovation to use in the market. Come to the panel and make your own decision.
MassBio is hosting this event from 8 – 10 AM on March 27th at their offices:
300 Technology Square
8th Floor
Cambridge, MA
You can register for the event by following this link:
Here’s an excerpt from MassBio’s website about the speakers on the panel:
- Martha C. Farmer, PhD, President & CEO, North Shore InnoVentures (Currently running a lab incubator)
Incubators: The Finance and Accounting Perspective
- Dan Davis, Director, Life Sciences & Technology, Accounting Management Solutions (Start-up advisor perspective on working with early stage company needs)
Creating and Operating World Class Life Science Incubators
- Kevin O’Sullivan, President & CEO, Massachusetts Biomedical Initiatives (Currently running a lab incubator)
Managing the Comings and Goings of Entrepreneurs is a Labor (of Love)
- Bill Brah, Assistant Vice Provost for Research & Executive Director, UMass Boston (Currently running a lab incubator)
The Incubator Inventory: Matching Start Ups with Landlords
- Don Domoretsky, Vice President, Leasing, Jones Lang LaSalle (The broker perspective on the marketplace, inventory, small users, and their unique needs)
Welcome & Overview:
Peter Abair, Director of Economic Development & Global Affairs, MassBio
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