How has Cellanyx Captured the BBJ’s Attention?
Beverly, MA — July 20, 2015 — Cancers often are over-treated or under-treated due to scientists’ inability to determine whether a biopsy is high or low risk. Cellanyx Diagnostics, a NSIV biotech startup, is a company developing a living cell cancer diagnostic platform that aims at preventing such inaccurate treatment. Cellanyx’s platform caught the Boston Business Journal’s attention as the company has developed a method that may revolutionize cancer diagnosis.
The BBJ article describes how Cellanyx is developing a method that uses living tissue, opposed to cells immersed in formaldehyde, to assess various types of cancer. Cellanyx’s CEO, Ashok Chander, describes how this method provides a sort of “video” in comparison to a “photograph.” Chander means that when scientists are able to examine living tissue opposed to cells immersed in formaldehyde, they are able obtain actionable assessments opposed to snapshots. These actionable assessments are more indicative of what is happening in a patient’s body than the sort of snapshot provided through analyzing cells immersed in formaldehyde. To learn more about Cellanyx and its progress in cancer diagnostics, check out the full article at
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